We all or most of us have seen a fight video, or at least watched a tv show on it. Bad Girls Club is one of them. Bad Girls Club was a show that aired in 2006 – 2017 on Oxygen. Several random women as young as 21 would stay in a house together in different states and countries.
The main purpose of the show was to “educate the cast and viewers about acceptable behavior, and show the impact it can have on others,” as one stated. The show had since been sued and canceled over an unknown issue. After several years, a new show has come about, with one of the producers being on Bad Girls Club (Natalie Nunn). She has since aired four seasons of Baddies. Baddies is more about making money, hosting and performing at clubs and parties, and just having a good time. Each season, the “Baddies” (cast members) have gone to different places in cardinal directions (ATL, South, West, and now East). The newest season has since gone downhill.
Baddies East is one sad and disgraceful season. It may have new and better people on the season, but that’s only for some of the cast. The cast members have beef, some very unnecessary and childish, and the other because another cast member bullied their other sibling during the auditions. During the whole season, it was just straight up bullying others. It wasn’t like the other seasons where they do fight but can handle being in the same room with each other without having a problem. In this season, one girl that gets constantly bullied ruins the show.
Smiley, one of the “Baddies” names, gets into fights any chance that the other cast members get. Honestly, I don’t feel bad. She lied about serious things, and caused issues with another member’s sister, fighting her in the auditions. In one episode, she lied on having a miscarriage, she lied about taking another members chain (Mariah) and melting it for her son, and now, the latest episode being on January 7th, 2024, the whole cast goes to Jamaica and on the way Smiley had poured her own shots of Hennessy. Right when they all get to their destination, she starts to act drunk and not be able to move. I feel a lot of people think she’s faking it because she’s lied on so many things, and the others say she doesn’t drink but she had also mixed in a type of drug into her drink (said by the other members on the show). She throws up, but it looks more as she’s forcing herself to. She also starts to have several seizures, then a second later, talking about how she wants her son, then screaming that she hates her life. When she got a doctor to look at her, they said that her pupils weren’t responding. Everyone on social media was saying she was foaming at the mouth when it was just spitting up the water that she got from another cast member trying to help her out. I really do feel like she was faking, since right after having 3-5 seizures, she got out of the ER in a couple hours and was fine when she got back to the house.
The whole episode was absolutely traumatizing for some viewers, and crazy as the fact the producers edited it but didn’t remove out her having the seizures and her throwing up. The whole episode was all on her with the throwing up (more of spit up then actually throwing up), and having “seizures.” I don’t think most will believe it unless there’s data to back it up from doctors. When a producer called her in the ER, she was fine; even the doctors said so as well. There’s just really nothing else to say, just that it better have not been an act, because in the last couple of minutes of the episode, she gets water thrown on her and that’s the end. I really do hope it wasn’t a lie, because people actually do have this happening to them. But at this point, she should’ve left when she got her eviction notice.