Always half and never whole.
We accept the love we think we deserve.
The glass is half empty, constant arguments, toxicity that could drain even the deepest of oceans and love that is always received, yet never given.
Ending up in a toxic relationship is the last thing you think about when accepting a “will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend?” proposal. However, most of us accept it because we think we will never receive true and pure love.
Why? Why do we as people choose the wrong person?
Growing up many of us were exposed to Disney movies where the princess finds her prince and they live happily ever after. While on the other side of the spectrum, many grew up around constant back and forth, breaking up and getting back together, the “I hate you” and “I love you.”
At some point you begin to prefer the agonizer, the heartbreaker, the crucifer, the arsonists. You pour gasoline on me, ignite the flame and turn me into dust. And you watch me burn as I crave your loyalty lulled into complacency.
There are nearly 2400 divorces and breakups every single day. This is because we accept the love we think we deserve, but in reality, we deserve more.
We accept the love we are conditioned to. The love that was portrayed around us, the love that is comfortable and the one that you’re used to. We stay through the storm hoping that paradise is on the other side, but little do we know that the ship has sailed, and the tidal wave is only getting worse.
In this day and age, many perceive love to be a myth. A figment made by writers in order to give people hope. Because of this, many of us would rather feel numb than to feel loved at all. Because to be loved is to be seen. And many quiver at someone potentially getting too close.
We suffer everyday in our relationships because all of us are carrying a luggage of fear: fear of toxicity, fear of the unknown, fear of being hurt because it is all we’ve ever known.
Until we make peace with our pasts and learn to find comfort in ourselves. Only then, will we know and feel what love truly is. We will wait for our epic love story, and will not settle for “almost good enough”, or “almost perfect” because you deserve nothing less than to be seen for who you are and to be loved beyond point of repair.
To love and to be loved is not wrong.