Living a double life
Jodi Robins is known as the Assistant principal here at school, but few are aware of her other role. This is her second year being the swim assistant coach. “It’s been fun getting to know the kids these past two years and meeting new kids that I probably would’ve never known, and we all have a lot of fun at the swim meets,” said Robins.
Every year is different since senior players graduate, but it’s always good having new swimmers. “This year I feel like I understand the parameters a lot more. I can definitely say that high school swimming is different from club swimming,” said Robins.
Her inspiration in becoming a part of the swim team is her kids, Amanda Robins and Ryan Robins. “My daughter is on the team this year and my son plans on joining next year,” said Robins.
Dealing with two big roles can be hard for anyone, especially with a busy schedule. “My daughter is on the team here at charter and on a competitive team outside of school and time managing that can be hard to do sometimes because of having to be in two places at one,” said Robins.
Robins has a good relationship with the swimmers. “I keep scores at the meets and I’m the only one that works in campus so I’m a contact point for the swimmers I assist with placing kids so that they can compete in the races that are best for them. I can say that it has allowed me to get more involved with athletics.”

Annye Calderon is a junior. She's also a senator for her class and plays soccer. In her free time, she enjoys painting and going to the beach with her...