Vincent Ruiz: Start your day with a smile
Walking down the halls, constantly checking in on people and ensuring that he’ll be there if necessary, is Vincent Ruiz.
“Vinny is a great guy. He’s really down to earth,” said junior Christopher Gayle. “When you need help, he’s just always there for you. He’s really strong too.”
Vincent Ruiz is a father of two and has been working at school for 7 years. He is a maintenance man who enjoys working at the school and spending time with the students.
“He is such a hard worker. He’s non-stop, the first one here in the morning. He’s always here on time, he opens the gate, he puts out the cones, he never says no,” said Guidance Administration Assistant Jenny Ugalde. “Whatever we need, he’s always the first one to jump and help out in any aspect and we are very, very lucky and blessed to have him here.”
Ruiz loves spending time with his kids. “I am a cyclist–I did a 100 mile last. I’m going to do 150 miles this year,” said Ruiz. “My second hobby is playing basketball and enjoying myself with my sons.”
He feels the same way about the students at Charter. “They’re fun to be around, and make my day really fun, especially the high schoolers. They make me feel like I’m still with my kids.”
All agree that Ruiz puts students first. “Vincent is a hard worker who helps a lot of the people, especially the kids in the school,” said School Resource Officer Brian Gasper.
Many students see him as an important member of Charter’s community. “Vincent is a good guy. He’s friendly with the students, and he’s a hard worker who never fails to make me laugh or even make my day in the mornings,” said senior Ved Swierattan.
Working at Charter has given Vincent a sense of passion and gratitude towards his daily life. “[CSCS] academically is a great school for every kid that is supposed to be here and the teachers are great. Being at this school has taught me to do great, to do the best I can, for everyone here,” said Ruiz.

Kyhana Lechuga is a senior, and this is her second year on staff. In her free time, she enjoys playing the piano and the guitar.