Students compete at MLK event: Doesn’t matter if you’re black or white
Every year students and teachers meet at the library and gather together to celebrate Martin Luther King’s dream. They participate in literature, art competitions, and acts of service.
“I remember sitting down for ceramics. I didn’t really have a clear vision of what to do but as time progressed I started thinking more of the theme: ‘Remember the past, embrace the future,’” said junior Valentina Rodriguez.
Rodriguez was a participant in the drawing competition
“I thought to myself how I can create colors to this theme and usually the past correlated with black and white–like the 1950s tv shows. And the features that will represent modernization will include all the colors in the rainbow. It’s more aesthetically and visually pleasing, more modern and it looks more industrialized,” said Rodriguez.
Martin Luther King lived in a world where inequality was normalized.
“MLK always dreamed about a world where people could be equal regardless of their sex, religion, race” said junior Valentina Rodriguez.
Camilo won first place for the MLK drawing contest
“I drew a 1950s diner to represent the past and some of my friends: one is white, one is black. I wanted to represent the future. I put them together to represent Dr. Kings’s ideal of coming together despite our different races,” said Madison Camilo.
Throughout the day many other students discussed their gratitude towards MLK day.
“Today is a day to celebrate MLK’s dream, a dream for equality where I could walk down the street without being judged,” said junior Christopher Gayle.
There were volunteers at the event. They enjoyed their time, and felt the experience was meaningful.
“I chose to volunteer today to give back to the black community and to be with other people. This is a day of freedom, peace, and equality,“ said senior Ved Siewrattan
Not only did students volunteer—teacher’s did as well.
“I chose to volunteer today because this day just means so much to me considering that I come from a diverse background. I love seeing everybody come together and celebrate such an important person that brought so much to history,” said Jessica Bou Jaoude.
Overall, everyone came together.
“I wanted to remember the man who brought people together. This day means peace because today we honor an important figure of black history and I wanted to celebrate it,’’ said senior Elige Candio.

Kyhana Lechuga is a senior, and this is her second year on staff. In her free time, she enjoys playing the piano and the guitar.