Why do we have DECA dress-up days?
DECA is a club that allows students here to practice business and marketing skills that can greatly help them out in the future. Once a month, you can find these club members dressing up in business attire clothing. Many students wonder: “Why do DECA members dress up?”
Some club members say that the reason they dress up in business attire is to gain diamonds. Every time a student dresses up they gain 1 diamond.
“DECA diamonds track member activity and overall improve the club to make sure everyone participates,” said Freshman DECA member Lillian Ugalde.
“DECA is a business, marketing, entrepreneurship, leadership, and finance organization. Most people that work in those professions have a professional dress code. Students get to see how their peers around them react to the way they present themselves,” DECA advisor and high school marketing teacher Tamara Moore said.
“The benefit of dressing up shows students the importance of business attire and prepares them for the workplace in the future and teaches them the importance of having a formal appearance. It also positively advertises for the club,” said Junior DECA Vice President Bella Ugalde.
Another effect of the dress up days is how it grabs the student’s attention and piques their curiosity. Due to these dress up days, students often see the people around them and start to consider joining DECA.
“I always thought about joining DECA. I’m thinking about joining next year, I never really knew about the club until I saw people dressing up in business attire and asked my friends what it was for,” said Freshman Sarah Olivares.
Business attire can make students seem more responsible and mature to others. These dress up days can encourage students to consider joining DECA to open up their knowledge on business.