Almost every other school in Broward County but ours has a study hall. Many people consider study hall to be an important class to help you catch up on your work and studies at school. The benefits are endless, and can help many students in the long run and make their school life a whole lot easier. With that said, I believe that we should most definitely have a study hall.
Study hall clearly has an effect on student’s school life. Many claim that it has an increase on homework completion, test scores, etc. For example, according to, “In one study, 47 students participating in a guided study hall experienced a 4 percent increase in homework completion, going from 92 percent to 96 percent of homework being finished.” It will also help with nationwide or state test scores, which is everyone’s main goal. This clearly is proof that students could benefit so much from a single study hall period.
Other than homework and other schoolwork, it goes further than that. The relief of having a whole period during school to catch up on everything you need cures students’ anxiety and stress levels in a drastic way. After talking to freshman Alejandro Gutierrez, He agreed by saying, “Absolutely. A study hall would mean so much, especially for the new freshman. Because we are still getting used to the large amounts of advanced work and homework, it would make things a whole lot easier. On top of that, kids that play sports and come home late wouldn’t have to worry as much. They wouldn’t stress on completing their homework because they would remember they have study hall the next day.
Even though a study hall would be good for high school students, it’s not needed for middle schoolers. After talking to Yuval Shinuk, a 6th grader, she said, “Yeah, I agree. Even though it might be nice to have a study hall at my age, kids would play around too much. They would take it as a free play time rather than getting work done. They are too immature for it.”
Personally, it annoys me so much when I’m talking to a friend from a different school about study hall. They say something like, “Oh yeah, I have a test tomorrow, but I have study hall right before so I’m good.” It makes me mad because I will never have that privilege. On my end, if I have a test tomorrow, I have to study until the middle of the night. I simply don’t feel that it’s fair to me or any other student.
If we had a study hall, it would benefit every single student, no matter what. Not only will it help with test scores, homework, schoolwork, nationwide exams, etc., but it will take off stress and pressure and leave students with less strain on themselves. Many students support the idea of a period of school to catch up on everything. Adding a study hall would help, not hurt.