“Frank Ocean” is an American singer, songwriter and rapper. He has been around since 2012, when he released his hit song called “Novacane.” He then went on to release many more songs and albums that helped him rise to fame. Some of his other well-known hits include “Thinking About You” and “Chanel.”
It’s known that he has made a big name for himself. It’s also known that his release with music was slow from 2016-2019, only releasing small singles here and there, with no major drops. It’s also known that after 2020, the man simply disappeared. There was nothing heard from him at all, other than the fact he was supposed to perform at the music festival “Coachella” in April earlier this year (which was canceled).
So why exactly was Frank on this hiatus? Though he never exactly stated a reason, it’s likely because of his younger brother’s death. According to thepostathens.com, they say that Frank’s younger brother Ryan Breaux was tragically killed in a car accident at only 18 years old. This was most likely the reason considering how traumatic this event must have been for him.
Nonetheless, Frank has made a small but exciting hint at a comeback. On November 8th, he posted a snippet for a song on his Instagram, and let’s just say fans went insane. All of social media was talking about what this means, and if Frank would be dropping soon. “I really hope the release of the snippet means he will be dropping an album soon,” said freshman Colton Brown. “I love all of Frank’s songs and have been a fan for years, his music and angelic voice always brings me to peace no matter what.”
It sent people at school into a full Frank talk. All day, you hear people talking about “Frank’s Instagram story…” and “Did you hear the new snippet? It sounds so good…”
Even after all this hype, this snippet might just be a decoy. Frank is known for sending decoys to his fans for jokes. For example, according to idvice.com, “On the 2 November 2022 episode of Homer Radio, Frank showed off his skills as a master of deception. In the episode, something that appeared to be a phone number — 628-995-1990 — was recited. According to one reddit user who tried dialing it, it was a San Francisco number, but the line didn’t ring. Another pointed out the final song Frank played on his show, “Wishful Thinking” by Peruse & SHINAYE.” This ended up meaning nothing. So, could this snippet simply be another lead on?
To conclude, Frank Ocean is a global sensation who’s kept his hype and fanbase even while being inactive in the music scene. With the release of the new snippet of a song on his Instagram story, he has people everywhere on the edge of their seats, guessing what his next move will be. Is it simply a decoy to nothing, or will we be expecting a long-awaited drop from Ocean?