At school, it’s a widely known fact that students are allowed to wear their spirit shirts on Fridays only. Spirit shirts consist of many options such as club shirts, sport jerseys, designated spirit shirts from the school store, etc., with many different colors, styles, and designs. This is frustrating to many students because they enjoy wearing a shirt that’s not the regular CSCS required uniform. So, they end up wondering, if we wear them on Fridays, why can’t we just wear them on all days of the week?
To start, students might take advantage of such a big privilege. It would be a huge change for the school and would most likely cause students to try to find sneaky ways to take advantage of the rule, whether it be wearing a regular shirt thinking no one would notice it’s not from the school, or some other way to make the rule turn into a disaster. For example, a few years ago, seniors were given a specific shirt they were allowed to wear all days of the week. Sadly, students did wear it inappropriately. Some even decided to wear it a lot shorter, and it was way out of the dress code. This caused the privilege to be taken away quickly.
Students all have mixed opinions on this topic. Some agree with the school’s decision, for example freshman Manerva Ghantous, who said, “As much as I would like to wear spirit shirts 5 days a week, I do believe it’s for the better that we don’t. Knowing how kids are at Charter, they would abuse the system and get more out of it then what was given. The rule would be taken away with a blink of an eye. I just believe that this would make it useless to even try it out.” Other students think differently. Sophomore Isabella Nilson says, “I disagree with that; I think if they implemented the right guidelines and reminded people how fast it could be taken away, people would use it correctly. Plus, if they don’t follow the rules, just take the specific person’s privileges away.”
Regardless, we are a uniform school, and that removes the whole uniform aspect of it. If we have many different regular shirts to wear, that wouldn’t give off the effects of uniforms like our current ones do. If you look at a plain blue shirt with a charter logo on it, and compare it to the collared button up shirts, many will say the latter fits way better for the type of school we are.
Despite this, it will probably just be a lost cause because quite frankly, a decision to execute such a rule is slim to none. But you never know what’s in store for the future. So, whether you believe or don’t believe we should have the right to wear spirit shirts every day we please, for now Fridays are the only day you can have that benefit.
Spirit shirts: Daily or Fridays?
Freshman Kristian Nelson showing off his spirit shirt given at the class of 2027’s moving up ceremony last year.
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About the Contributor

Yahli Shinuk, Opinions Editor
Yahli Shinuk is a sophomore. This is her second year on the Paw Print staff. As a hobby, she plays tennis. She is also a member of T’lalim BBG, the Coral Springs/Parkland chapter of BBYO.