A new creative writing club has started, and they’re open for new members. English teacher Adriana Martinez is the club advisor, with junior Angie Barrios as its president.
The main focus of the club is the creation of the club’s literary magazine. The magazine, The Leaf, shows off the club members’ poetry, fiction, short stories, and even art pieces or pictures.
“I wish to accomplish a goal where I can have people who want to write and find a passion for it, but also create a good magazine,” said Barrios.
“I feel like it’s something that’s really good because I know my friends are really emotional, and they use their emotions to write,” said Barrios. “That adding this club would help them ride their emotions out or even just be creative in that kind of way.
Creative writing can work as an outlet for people’s feelings and emotions. It can help people express how they feel or think in a creative way, or just help get new prospective writers interested in writing. This club can also help writers hone their skills, and to become better at writing.
Barrios has bold visions for the future of the club. “I wanna have this tradition where I create competitions between the students in our club, but also students in our club against other schools.” The creation of competitions between the students will help them hone their skills with writing, since the feedback from judges and being able to compare each other’s work will help writers fine-tune their work and make it even better. The concept of The Leaf competing with the literary magazines from other schools will encourage growth of the magazine to get better, and instill a sense of pride in the members for having their work win awards.
The creative writing club is open to anybody and everybody who’s interested in furthering their talents in writing, or even starting their own for the first time. The club’s meetings are held every week in Martinez’s room in Room 114 on Tuesdays.