This Valentine’s Day, Interact Club organized their annual Day of Service. On this day, students rotated through various workshops, teaching valuable life skills that will help them better serve the community. Whether creating donations, practicing self care, or learning lifesaving techniques, this day taught students a lot.

Representatives from the Coral Springs/Parkland Fire Department taught workshops such as Stop The Bleed. In Stop The Bleed, students learned how to use a tourniquet and how to determine what type of gauze would be necessary for different injuries.

Professionals came in and taught students the correct way to stop a bleed, and explained how it would feel if used properly. Firefighter Daniel Chavez explained it to students very clearly. “If you’re doing this properly, it would be excruciating; you’d rather be in pain than dead,” said Chavez.

In the CPR workshops, City of Coral Springs/Parkland’s Fire Explorer Program students came in to teach about proper procedures. Students such as Peyton Moser brought in real technology and models to help.

Sophomores Ashley Hearn and Chloe Brooks learned CPR and other lifesaving skills during the CPR workshop held on the Day of Service. They participated in live demonstrations, including one on how to perform the Heimlich Maneuver.

Momentum performed in groups during the Day of Service. Dancers Karina Bosch and Sofia Abreu paired up in a heartfelt lyrical duet to Adele song When We Were Young.

Spanish teachers Dania Rivera and Maria Ysern led Feed The Homeless. Organized by Interact Club, students made over 200 meals to send to the Broward Partnership of Pompano
Overall, this Day of Service was a great success. Students learned valuable lessons, and had fun while doing so. Time will tell what they have planned for next Valentine’s Day!