ICE is abbreviated to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. ICE tries to protect the United States by enforcing immigration laws and investigating crime. They also parade themselves on keeping the country’s national security, public safety, and economy safe. As of right now due to Donald Trump’s orders and promises to remove all illegal immigrants from the country as well as no longer letting immigrants “invade” the society and “take over”. Although ICE is taking their investigations way too far currently, they are now being gained access to enter and raid schools. churches, and hospitals. This is all a part of the process of taking out the illegal immigrants out of the United States as if they don’t belong here.
Although ICE has not yet been able to enter into any schools they finally gained access to them. However, they need a Judicial Warrant in order to enter the school and make arrests. I believe this is wrong and ICE should have never gained access to schools. This is because they are already having so much power now due to Donald Trump's intentions of getting rid of all the immigrants that “do not belong in our country, and have to wait in line to get in the country like everyone else.”
ICE gaining access to schools will lead to negative impacts, not only on the students that are being questioned and harrassed but, the teachers as well. This can be a very traumatizing experience for students and teachers because they have to watch their students get arrested and won’t be able to help and students will see their peers get arrested for not being a citizen of the United States no matter how long they have been in the country for.
However, ICE won’t be able to outsmart the school or students because of the Federal and State laws that have ruled that all students have a right to public education. no matter their immigration status. Therefore, by them trying to harass, intimidate, or even arrest due to their immigration status is considered illegal meaning students and teachers could sue due to disruption of the law.
I believe that schools should start to take initiative and make a clear plan just in case ICE decides to invade the school. For example, explain to students not to be intimidated by ICE and if they don’t want to speak without a lawyer present meaning they are protected by their Miranda rights.
However, there have been hundreds of suspected illegal immigrants that have already been arrested. Meaning they have been doing just fine getting illegal immigrants although it is completely wrong they are doing their job. For instance, they do not need access to sensitive places like schools, churches, and hospitals to just add more trauma in people’s lives by having to experience this.
All in all, ICE should never be allowed to enter schools and if they do students need to know they are protected by certain rights and laws. ICE should not be mixing immigrant control and individual rights. They should stick to the way they have been capturing immigrants. ICE invading schools can lead to major issues that I believe can be easily avoided as long as they stay out of the schools.