Casting the right vote for America
Photo Credit: Getty Images/Reuters
Republican incumbent Donald Trump will face off against Democratic nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden in the 2020 Presidential Election.
On November 3, citizens will be able to vote who they want in office. Due to COVID-19, voting by mail will be available. Voting in person is also available. Making the decision for whom to vote for can be difficult with biased media. Donald Trump and Joe Biden are both running for the position of president. Knowing the policies of both candidates is important for those who are voting.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump is in the Republican Party and is America’s 45th president. Trump won against Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. Donald Trump is currently running for his second term of presidency.
On gun control, Donald Trump defends the Second Amendment, which is the right for citizens to bear arms. Trump funded more safety measures for schools to prevent school shootings.
On COVID-19, Trump said “Go away. Things go away. No question in my mind that it will go away.” Trump wants to reopen the country as soon as possible. He does not support masks and is usually not seen wearing one. Trump decided to let the states or local government determine if masks should be mandatory. He supports the development of a vaccine and also believes schools should reopen, despite the pandemic.
Trump’s plan is to keep immigrants out of the country to “restore the rule of law and secure our border.” Trump also wants to continue building a wall to keep Mexican immigrants out, and says he wants to “make Mexico pay for it.” From what has been built, Mexico is not funding the wall. Donald Trump promised to continue the construction of the wall border. He has funding for 445 miles of the 722 mile wall.
Donald Trump wants all education to be accessible to every student. Trump believes that “a child’s zip code in America should never determine their future.” Donald Trump wants to give all citizens the choice of what school to attend.
Trump doesn’t support public colleges with free tuition. Donald Trump also supports federal funding to send students to private schools. Trump does not support universal pre-kindergarten.
It’s unclear how Trump feels about cutting social security. Donald Trump does not support increasing capital gains taxes.
Joe Biden
Joe Biden is in the Democratic Party and was the 47th Vice president. From 1973 to 2009, Joe Biden was a Senator of Delaware. Joe Biden is running for President against Donald Trump.
On gun control, Biden believes that war weapons should be off the street. “I’m so tired of people talking about your prayers. Damn it, we have to protect these kids. We have to do it now.” said Biden on school shootings.
Joe Biden’s plan for the epidemic of COVID-19 is free testing, remote student learning, and providing resources for food relief. Biden would create a state and local emergency fund. Emergency paid leave is something Biden would also include. He would institute mandatory masks across the nation. Biden claims he would do as much as he can to make sure masks are being worn. Biden wears masks while out in public. Biden and Trump both support a safe vaccine. Another thing that Biden and Trump agree on is reopening schools during the pandemic.
Biden plans to reverse travel bans as president and welcome immigrants to America. He also wants to prioritize reuniting families. On Trump’s border Biden said, “There will not be another foot of wall constructed in my administration.”
Biden wants to raise the federal government’s investment in educators. He wants to triple the funding for schools and he wants to ensure that all families have access to modernized school buildings. Biden doesn’t fully want public colleges to have free tuition but wants it to be free to families that make less than $125,000. Biden does not support federal funding to send students to private schools. He does support universal preschool.
Biden does not support cutting social security. While Biden was in the Senate he had suggested changes in social security. Joe Biden supports increasing capital gains taxes and doubling the rate. Biden wants to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour.

Sophia Kaklias is a senior. She has been an active member of Paw Print since her freshman year. She is a DECA executive and a member...