Students on What Makes a Good Teacher

Teacher Ryan Pinney equipped his classroom so that all of the desks have chargers available to the students in order to charge their iPads.

School is a place almost every student dreads. However, there are many factors that can make school better. One of these is a “good teacher.” Qualities a “good teacher” can have include leniency, caring about students, and teaching students in an effective manner.

There are many teachers who work at the school who check these boxes and make a huge difference in students’ lives. From simply having iPad chargers available like physics and forensics teacher Ryan Pinney, or always being there to talk like theater teacher Alaina Butler or Spanish teacher Maria Ysern–teachers can make a huge impact on students’ school experience.

There are many students at school who do actually enjoy going to some of their classes because of the positive interactions between the teacher and the students.

Theater 4 is taught by Butler and consists of a lot of team bonding, script memorization, and practicing acting techniques which are all key factors in putting on shows. Ava Ciacciarelli, a junior taking theater, explained that she really enjoys how Butler is “interactive and inclusive with the whole class.” According to Ciacciarelli, Butler “can balance work and play really well.”

Another teacher who can be viewed as a “good teacher” is Jeffrey Cox who teaches the United States government class. Angelo Lobracco, a senior who takes the US government, said that Cox has a teaching style that allows his students to understand the full concept of what they are learning in class.

Allana Maurer, a freshman who takes Algebra, believes that Ashley Speerin is a “good teacher.” According to Maurer, Speerin has a “good personality” which makes a huge difference in the classroom, as it allows students to be more engaged throughout the period. Allana also points out that Speerin “cares about her students,” which shows she is willing to adjust her teaching style to tend to those who need extra help to succeed.

Renae Civettini, a sophomore, believes some teachers can be too demanding of students and expect that students should “know everything in the lesson before it is taught.” This can lead to students falling behind or not understanding new class material being taught if the teachers aren’t willing to review previous concepts before continuing the lesson. Civettini also believes that teachers should not overwork the students and understand many have extracurricular activities which may not allow time for homework and studying to be done.

Overall, there are teachers at school who do a great job of caring for their students and put in a lot of effort into making sure their class is set up for student success.