Beauty Is Pain: Lash Serum as Latest Toxic Trend

Miyka’el Leonardo

How far would you go for beauty? Tiny, 3-inch waists hiding broken ribs beneath. Hair colored and wild, but dry by the chemicals. Lashes being unnaturally elongated fluttering nicely over red eyes.

How far would you go for beauty? 

For many pre-teen and teenage girls, the limit is as far as social media tells them. Since the beginning of societal pressure, women have been susceptible to thousands of prejudices and societal ideas; on marriage, on childhood, on their own appearances and bodies. “There’s so many people and influencers on social media that promote this ‘look’,” said freshmen Natalie Manger. It starts when you’re fourteen and staring at a mirror, disliking everything you see. 

Why? Was it because some snot-nosed, acne-riddled boy told you you’re fat? Or your aunt pointing out in front of your whole family how thin like a stick you’ve become? Some beauty guru on YouTube obnoxiously shoving advertising of harmful beauty products in your face. “Social media is not real,” continues Manger. 

Lash Serum, from the summer of ‘22, trended furiously on social media platforms such as Tiktok, Instagram and Snapchat; all frequented by adolescent users. Many got the message. Use this serum. Use it! USE IT! MAKE YOUR LASHES LOOK AMAZING! 

Well, they heard you. 

“I’ve seen [lash serum] all over social media, like TikTok and Instagram,” said senior Morgan Zaitschek. Vogue magazine explored the possible harmful effects of eyelash serums, such as GrandeLASH, stating that “the side-effects that have been known to occur through use of glaucoma products include: redness around the eyelids, darkening of the iris and dryness, swelling and irritation of the eyelid skin.” 

“I used it for like two weeks and I got an eye infection,” said freshmen Lilia Conticello.

Nearly all lash serums are glaucoma-based, “an unknown product that when around the most delicate skin and surface of the human body has serious risks.” These serums can lead to “a permanent change to their eye color and eyelid skin due to medicated serums.” 

Enough is enough. This constant, overwhelming feeding of the false narrative that women must look, do and be a certain way is extremely harmful and must stop. 

Young girls should be taught that it’s okay to be themselves; to wear makeup, or to not wear makeup. It’s okay to be yourself. You can do your makeup, face masks or other various beauty items for skincare, but please, make sure it is you and just you that is deciding to do that. That it’s you and not some outer voice pressuring you to be a certain way.

At the end of the day, it is your face, your body and your lashes.