Criminal for President?


Nobody ever thought that one day there would be a former President of the United States in jail…but that could happen to 45th President Donald Trump. Around a week ago president Donald Trump was threatened to be criminally charged, and then later on in the week a grand jury from New York voted that Trump would be indicted in the weeks to come.

Many people are unhappy with what is happening, because they think it is unfair. Not very far from when the accusations came out, Donald Trump announced that he would be running for president again in 2024. Many Trump supporters and Republicans feel as though Trump being indicted and charged for his crimes are a tactic to keep him from running in the upcoming election.

The accusations he is threatened to be charged with have been circulating since 2016, when Donald Trump was president of the United states, because of this the Manhattan district attorney’s office has been involved in the case since then. Because of this it is likely to believe that it is not a scheme to keep him from running in the upcoming election. When Donald Trump found out that he would be arrested he urged his supporters to protest on social media.

The District Attorney on the Donald Trump case released that Donald Trump could be charged with 34 counts of felony. Most of the counts have to do with falsifying business records and giving money to someone to cover up an affair. Over the next couple days the public will come to find out whether or not Donald Trump was proven guilty or non guilty for these crimes, but for right now supporters and non-supporters need to make sure to peacefully protest so that no one gets hurt.