Don’t you just love kickin’ it back and playing some board games with friends or family with no electronics? Well, On Monday May 7th, the SGA hosted a game night from 5 to 7 p.m. It was filled with a lot of games, food, and activities for our students here at charter to participate in. Ms. O’neill was the teacher watching everything and making sure everything is in order.
There were so many different games you could play and so many different activities to do. You could never be bored. There were a good amount of people that came out and supported the game night but also had an amazing time. You could really see all the time and effort the SGA team put into organizing and setting everything up for everyone to have fun and enjoy themselves. There were different things to do including Twister, Connect 4, Uno, Monopoly, and many more.
There were also some activities where you can get physical as well, and these include tug-of-war, spike ball, and bean bag toss. These were also competitive, so not only are you having fun, you would have the chance of winning or losing to one of your friends. If you are a competitive person, you would love coming to one of these nights with your friends to have a great time.
They were also playing Just Dance, where you and your friends can dance to the beat and dance till your heart’s content.
The SGA community also set up a snack place where if you got hungry you could go over there and pick a snack to eat.
Overall, this was a great experience and it should have gotten more recognition because it was extremely fun. The game night took a lot of planning and days to be able to put it all together and we thank the SGA team for setting this up so we can all enjoy it.
SGA Game Night
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About the Contributor

Gisella Galeano, Staff Writer
Gisella Galeano is a sophomore. This is her second year on the Paw Print staff. In her free time, she likes to dance and play volleyball.