What is it like to ball during a pandemic?

Sports are back and athletes are excited and are ready to start balling again like how they were before. But this might lead to a lot of concerns by parents for the safety of their student athletes. Some concerns might be if there is social distancing applied during practice, how do we know if opposing teams are clear, and if fans should be allowed. We went to our student athletes and asked some questions and here are some of their responses. 

“Do you feel safe during practice?”, they answered yes due to the fact that they have to wear some type of face coving during practice and everyone is all spaced out. 

“What are some improvements they can make?”, They answered that they really can’t make anymore improvements due to the fact they are doing the best to their ability to prevent anything and that its working. That very interesting that they said that because that shows that they are grateful that they are able to due what they love and dedicate their life too. 

 “Do you feel like its worth playing a sport during the pandemic knowing that they can possibly get it?”, they answered yes because some athletes dedicate their whole lives into these sports and in some cases it’s the only reason why they are motivated to go to school.

 Another reason why they said yes is because the school is doing their very best to prevent this disease from spreading by enforcing social distancing, especially the fact that athletes have to wear some type of face coving during the whole length of practice. Also have to bring our water bottles to practice and can’t have a team set anymore.

The head coach of the football team Matthew Garris gave us an amazing answer to one of our important questions, “Does every player need to bring their own water bottle since they can’t share than thing anymore due to COVID-19?” “Yes, each player needs to bring their own water bottle and face coverings every practice but we provide water to refill those bottles they bring.” said Garris

It’s safe to say they are trying their best at this and its working, and that students are loving the fact they are doing what they love again.